November 16, 2010

common theme and prayer request.

A few weeks ago I was feeling so overwhelmed by the common theme told to me by all of Pin's therapists. "She needs to right her head" is what I hear again and again. I work SO hard with Pinny at home and it seems so beyond my control to teach my daughter a reflex that should come naturally.

I was wallowing in my pity when a text came in. It was from Lisa Wells (my dear friend who introduced me to Jeremy) whom I hadn't talked to in several days. It simply said, "But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head (Psalm 3:3)."

I looked at the text. Then again. Then again with tears. Then again with a new understanding: The Lord is the one to do the work and I need to try my best but wait on Him to "lift her head." Then again with a humble heart at how personal our God is.

Will you join me in praying this for Pinny?

"Lord, lift Pinny's head."


November 9, 2010

our baby.

hello. again. we are again. We have had another 2 week stretch of no seizures and just as we were celebrating another milestone (14 days!!!) they came back again. Today. I type this in her room, watching her sleep. She is totally worn out. So am I... emotionally speaking. I am ready for them to be gone forever. I keep hoping the "last one" is truly THE LAST ONE. But, I will choose to not lose heart.

In the past 6 weeks, Pin has had around 15-20 seizures. She used to have that many in ONE day. We have much to be thankful for and we are still hopeful she will outgrown them. I just wish it would happen today.